Illinois College Society Members

Current Annual Members

An * denotes that they have passed away in this fiscal year

Agrivest, Inc.
Terry and Mary Beth Airsman
Airsman Hires Funeral Home
Thomas Alcott and Family
Elizabeth Aldridge
Susan and Douglas Allen*
Carlos Alvarez ’69
Drs. Susan L. Pratt ’80 and Jay R. Anders ’79
Wallace and April Anderson
Reginald ’71 and Jane Ankrom
Associated Colleges of Illinois
Gregory ’08 and Katherine Miller Astroth ’09
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Greg ’74 and Tonya Johnson Baise ’76
James Michael Baise ’75
Richard ’73 and Joanne Bales
Ryan ’97 and Laura Barke
Ross ’13 and Danielle Barker
Stephen and Carolyn Opferman Barrett ’79
Dr. James ’68 and Margaret Arkema Bateman ’68
Michael ’86 and Lisa Lonson Bauersachs ’85
Douglas ’66 and Beverly Baumann
Bruce ’73 and Jennifer Morris Beal ’73
Gerry ’78 and Mary Ann Beard
June Taylor ’79 and Darryl Beard
Joy French Becker ’67
Kristan Becker Hoffman
John and Stephanie Bellatti
Paul and Michelle E. Bellerjeau ’69
Dr. Scott ’86 and Kari Calbreath Belobrajdic ’87
Nanette Montgomery Bess ’78
Scott ’91 and Diane Darush Bevill ’81
Laurie A. Black ’84
David Blackorby, Jr.
Toni Blankmann ’74 and Bob Weiner
BLDD Architects INC.
Julie Bodam Macartney ’98 and Erich Hoberg
Cheryl Lamont ’64 and Daniel Boehmke
Bob ’78 and Carolyn Bonjean
Jeff ’78 and Marty Huss Boss ’78
Scott and Samantha Boston
Bound to Stay Bound Books, Inc
Carolyn Davidson Broadhead ’61 and Douglas Broadhead
Pamela Brown
Brad Regul ’11 and Heidi Bruce-Regul ’12
Jim ’66 H’12 and Kaye Bruner
Robert ’86 and Jeanne McNeely Bruner ’86
Marcella Bramley Burrus ’71
The Honorable Cheri ’83 and Gerry Bustos
Gary Byers ’72
Joseph ’07 and Marilu Torres Calmese
Jack ’63 and Glenda Souza Camarda ’63
Wanda Kluz Capps ’48
Jill Caranto
Katie Carls
Eddie ’70 and Sandra Carpenter 
Jay and Amy Pearson Carriger ’92
Daniel ’59 and Edith Drum Castrodale ’59
Delinda Chapman ’69 and Marco Molder
Drs. Elaine Chapman ’04 and Dennis Backstrom ’04
Bob ’74 and Janet Williams Chipman ’75
Tim ’01 and Stephanie Chipman
Andrew ’04 and Alicia Chipman
Ralph ’52 and Elizabeth Christison
George and Barbara Clark
Richard ’63 and Donna Cody
Mary and Alex Cole
Jeff and Addie Coultas
William Coultas
Nick ’01 and Aubrey Chalis Cray ’03
Crowe LLP
Frank Cummings
George W. Curry ’71
Susan Damsgaard-Brand ’81
Harmon and Millie Deal
Scott ’80 and Brenda  Schone Dean ’80
Joan and Jeff DeBoer
Delta Foundation
Department of Justice
Daniel '78 and Joan Moore Doerfler '79
John ’71 and Cynthia Hazlet Dooling ’73
George '59 and Pamela Dow
Cole and Kristen Duke P’27
Jimmy Duncan ’76
Del ’72 and Lisa Dunham
Charlene Kornoski-DuVall ’70 and Jim DuVall
James ’62 and Ann Elliott
Dennis and Carol Elpers
Roger '62 and Nancy Engels
Don ’70 and Kathy Romang English ’66
Lawrence F. Erwin ’74
Judge Steven Evans ’68 and Mary Evelyn Evans
Jeffery and Diane Mensel Evans ’70
V. Jeffery and Diane Mensel Evans '70
Jack ’61 and Doris Fairfield ’62
President Barbara Farley
Glenn Fernetti '02
Fidelity Foundation
First Presbyterian Church
Fitness Based Intelligence, INC
Michael '92 and Beth Doty Fletcher '92
Jeremy ’99 and Jessica Flynn
Timothy ’92 and Valerie Taylor Flynn ’94
Judge Jerry ’70 and Luana Meinders Flynn ’71
Steven Flynn '70
Geoffrey Frank
Barbara E. Frank
David Frank
Charles W. Frank*
Richard and Heidy Fry
Glenn ’70 and Donna Gabanski
Jeffrey ’73 and Susan Nickel Gibbs ’73
Douglas '72 and Gail Graves Goodman '72
Jim ’61 and Cathy Green
Growmark Inc.
Jean R. Guilmartin '73
Luiz '90 and Celina Guimaraes
Dr. William ’63 and Sandra Selcke Gussner ’65
Marc '67 and Manju Hapke
Joel ’66 and Elise Leaks Harmon ’69
Robert ’60 and Dianna Hart
Donald ’66 and Pearl Newberry Hawrysz ’64
Alban Haxhinasto ’02 and Elizabeth Becker
Michael ’82 and Laurie Newman Hayes ’82
Gary '74 and Debra Kurtock Haynes '76
James '73 and Nancy Heafner
Mary Tierney Hengels '72
Duane ’72 and Sharon Hess
Kenneth Hieke '74
Craig ’99 and Jessica Dermody Higgs ’99
Dr. Ernest Hildner, III
Bob and Jean Hill
Russell and Elizabeth Horton Hilleke '83
Mathias '76 and Diane Taylor Hollendonner '76
Stephen '71 and Janet Waddill Hopper '72
Joseph and Carol Houston
Edmund '74 and Nancy Drake Hull '73
David Hultgren and Christy Schisler
Steven '74 and Jean Hunt
Dr. Roger W. Huson ’50
Shelley Hutchinson '77
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Illinois State Archives ISHRAB
Illinois Women's Golf Association
Eric and Rhonda James P’24
Robert ’65 and Barbara Jenkins
Jewish Community Foundation
Kent ’69 and Cheryl Jones
Jedd and Amy Rourke Jones
Reverend John and Betty Kay
Michael ’64 and Linda Kehart
Patrick ’67 and Elizabeth Kennedy ’73
Donald '75 and Cathy Kensell
Mark and Lisa Kilian
William ’75 and Edie Andrews Kindermann ’75
Bruce ’76 and Jill Kinnett
Kathryn and Christopher Kirt
Curtis ’79 and Laurie Kleckler
Helen Robinson Kohr '47
Charlene Childers Kornoski- DuVall ’70 and James DuVall
Drs. Matthew Kraatz '89 and Vickie Hemann '91
Michael '07 and Amy Anderson Kralik '12
Corey Kraushaar '88
Carl Kretzer '69
Blaine and Louann Krogman ’80
Helen Kuhn
John P. Kurtock ’47
Michelle LaFayette ’95
Pete Leonis ’88
George ’78 and Helen Levi
Jerry Lieb ’77
Robert ’65 and Ann Lindquist
Kevin '81 and Theresa Lister 
William ’59 and Nancy Logan
Ellis Lovell ’61 and Lynn Skobern
Heather Loy '91
John Robert Lukeman ’51
MacMurray College
Carla Malottke
John ’79 and Cynthia Simkins Mangieri ’81
George Jack Mann '85*
Mark '82 and Susan Mann
Joanna Marker '02 and Eric Dettmann
Mickey ’79 and Laura Armstrong Marks ’80
Michael '79 and Laura Armstrong Marks '80
Judith Schauerte Martin ’64
Jerry Mason ’70 and Penny Friedlander
Patrick and Rosanne Mathis
Terry '68 and Susan Berg Maulding '69
Bill Maxey '75
Gregory ’88 and Elizabeth Airsman May ’91
Sally Straub Mayhew ’76
Jack L. McCarty ’65
Christopher D. McFail
Betty M. McKinley
Richard ’85 and Natalie Meidel 
Memorial Health
Kim Merchant ’94
Ann Burford ’80 and Mark Merchlewitz
David ’72 and Ellen Rammelkamp Miller ’72
Steven ’77 and Betsy Huss Mills ’77
Gregory ’77 and Andrea Bridges Mills ’75
Adah W. Mitchell
Monticello College Foundation
Bob Moore ’78 and Sherry Kwater
June Mundinger
Roderick and Francine Fitt Mundy ’74
Tom '70 and Lora Pond Murgatroyd '69
Charles '72 and Jennifer Murphy
Randal Musch '72
National Philanthropic Trust
National Science Foundation
Richard and Judith Luckenbach Nelson ’81
Darlene Nelson '70
Preston Newell '65
Daniel and Shelly Newton
Conrad Noll III ’65 and Judy Noll
Donald ’65 and Nancy Kelly Nortrup ’62
Dr. Catharine O'Connell and Mr. Matthew Schultz
Caryl O'Keefe ’71
O'Shea Construction
Hal and Kathy Oakley P’26
Stephen and Maggie Oetgen
Joseph '69 and Ardith Opferman
Joseph P. Paldo ’73
Charles ’70 and Ann Parker
Kelly M. Payne ’02
Ron Pearce
Bob ’71 and Dee Dee Erwin Pearson ’70
Jennifer Peterson
Mark Peterson
Mark '69 and Jill Maynard Peterson '69
Kevin R. Petty ’89
Carole Dyer Pohlman ’74
John Porter ’68 and Iris Lugo
Curt ’66 and Mary Pradlet
Thomas ’80 and Elizabeth Bishop Prather ’80
Doris Prather
Pratt & Tobin, P.C.
Claudia Woodman Predmore '80
Leslie Proksa
Tom ’76 nd Linda Forsaith Purves ’76
Jeff ’78 and Hilda Miller Radcliffe
Charles ’74 and Deborah Rammelkamp
Robert ’67 and Catherine Randall
George Reardon ’93
John '59 and Janet Reardon
Brandon ’07 and Kristen Prief Reed ’07
Bradley Regul ’11 and Heidi Bruce-Regul ’12
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Terrence ’77 and Becky Reuschel
David ’83 and Peggy Beckmeyer Ringhausen ’85
Rachel Mayhew Robison
Winston Rogers ’82
Meghan Roman
Constance Frank Ronald
Nancy Ray Ross ’65
William Jeff Rouse
Douglas ’79 and Brenda Rupp
John ’66 and Susan Kincheloe Russel ’66
The Honorable Tom Ryder '03
Robert ’62 and Barbara Fischer Sawyer ’64
Jim ’69 and Mary Marshall Scheider ’72
Robert ’74 and Mary Schillerstrom
Lori Schisler '87
Henry ’73 and Martha Bryan Schmitt ’73
Jack '59 and Evelyn Schmitt
Daniel ’05 and Susan Bergen Schoenleber ’07
Catherine DeChant Schowengerdt ’75
Kevin ’80 and Rita Mueller Schultz
Joan Pederson Schulz ’63
Schwab Charitable
Thomas ’74 and Susan Zeigler Scott ’75
Luke and Cody Scroggins-Zellers ’08
Donald ’50 and Faith Metzler Semla ’51
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Philip D. Shelton ’65
Florence R. Shipowick
Ann Fusselman Showalter ’67
Kent ’81 and Kelly Neese Siltman ’84
Mark and Marty Sinclair P’25
Andrew ’86 and Lori Petermeyer Smith ’88
Rick and Sally Stuber Smith ’82
Marilyn  and Brian Smith
Sodexo, Inc & Affiliates
Ronald and Helen Sommer P’24
Paul and Almut Spalding
Clayton and Rebecca Spencer
James ’82 and Lisbeth Enz Spradlin ’83
State Farm Companies Foundation
Jean Coultas Statler
Carol Stein
Guy and Edie Sternberg
Allen ’62 and Nancy  Strack
Mark Strawn ’72
Rachelan Bienert ’76 and James Stronach
Douglas ’64 and Martha Sutton
Charles '70 and Sara Hedrick Tavender ’70
Rabbi Rob and Lauren Thomas
Evan E. Thomas ’65
Marietta Thompson
Robert and Erin Thomson
Thrivent Financial
Katherine Tillery ’74 and Tony Maruca
Maryon Tilley
Dr. Steven Hochstadt and Dr. Elizabeth Tobin
Benjamin ’05 and Courtney Tobin
Dr. Donald and Alice Tracey
Tracy Family Foundation
David Truesdell
U.S. Department of Education,OPF
C. Louis ’67 and Martha Summers Vache ’67
Vicki Hinck VanTuyle '73 
Martha Thomason Varble ’61
Joe S. Vassar '67
Michael and Suzanne Hartman Verticchio ’67
Rick ’75 and Heidi Verticchio
Katherine A. VonDeBur ’14
Jim ’65 and Joan Voyles
Christine and Tom Vujovich
Richard ’66 and Josephine Vuylsteke
Wabash Center
Walmart Foundation
Joshua Walters ’13
Mark ’70 and JoEllyn Welch
Christopher Weller ’96
Ray ’78 and Deb Baker Wellman ’78
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Dane and Krysten Wendell
Jay ’81 and Shelley Smith Wessler ’81
Stacy Stevems White ’13
Linda Cox White '73 and Michael White
Jeff ’75 and Jane Williamson
Terence and Joyce Dunn Wogan ’77
Woodcock Foundation for the Appreciation of the Arts, Inc.
Richard ’62 and Joanne Barnes Woodruff
George H’19 and Diane Zelcs
David and Valery Stull Zellmer ’74
David ’86 and Karin Zink