Graduate Ready

Lucy Wubker '22

When Lucy Wubker ’22 was deciding on a college, she knew she wanted to go somewhere that was small-scale and personable.

Lucy Wubker

“I wanted a school where I didn’t feel like just another number. I enjoyed the Illinois College campus and Jacksonville community atmosphere.”

A nursing major, Lucy especially valued the close relationships she developed with her professors in the nursing program. She gained hands-on experience as a tutor to other nursing students and took part in nursing clinicals in the community and surrounding areas, including assisting with COVID-19 vaccinations at Jacksonville Memorial Hospital. 

Although she stayed dedicated to her studies, Lucy was sure to make time for hanging out with friends and enjoying campus life

“I liked getting together with my friends at the different events on campus and making awesome memories. In fact, the most memorable thing about my time at IC was the lifelong friendships I made.”

After graduation, Lucy began working as a progressive care bedside nurse with plans to one day go into nursing education.