Graduate Ready

Shania Bacon '18

Shania Bacon ’18 chose Illinois College to launch her career in nursing because she wanted a college where her professors would take the time to understand her goals and work with her to achieve them.


The Beardstown, Illinois, native says she immediately felt at home at IC. She enjoyed working with professors who cared about her and her academic interests in biology and beyond. Plus she found opportunities to get involved in many areas of campus -- from serving as president of the IC Archery Club to getting involved in the community by completing service projects with APO. 

Shania says her experiences at Illinois College helped her see herself as a leader and gave her the confidence to pursue a career in nursing. 

“My professors taught me how to apply the material from the classroom to real-world situations. I enjoyed that experience and it taught me a lot of skills. Those skills helped me during my internship and I plan to use them to be successful as I continue my journey toward working in the medical field.”