Graduate Ready

Lauren Estes '19

Lauren Estes ’19, says the ability to work closely with faculty through research as well as partake in an exciting internship led her to realize her future aspirations.

Estes on campus

Lauren, a health sciences and psychology double major, was able to participate in student-faculty research as well as land an internship at a neurological center where she got to hands-on experience in her field. She credits professors and her experiences at her internship with allowing her to discover her future goal: to be a healthcare administrator. 

Even with her double major, Lauren still had time for other activities at IC; she played basketball her first year, became involved in residential life and became a student ambassador. Lauren feels her ability to complete both majors and still be involved in numerous other activities was only possible at a small, supportive campus like IC. After graduating, Estes began a one-year program to earn a Master of Science in Management degree in the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign in June. 

“Every step of the way I’ve had faculty members who care, who want to teach inside of the classroom, but also want to work with you outside the classroom.”