Graduate Ready

Kayla Ward '19

Kayla Ward ’19 certainly experienced the perks of a liberal arts education as she earned her degree, but she says there is so much more to learn at Illinois College than what is taught in the classrooms.

Kayla on campus

Kayla recently graduated with a major in psychology and minors in business administration and environmental science. She feels that faculty at IC were invested in her as an individual and kept the perfect balance between providing her comfort while also pushing her to become the best version of herself. 

Kayla loved being involved on campus as a member of Alpha Phi Omega, a national service organization, as well as being a part of the IC Connections Program. She also flew on a plane for the first time and gained confidence in traveling through a BreakAway to the Scandianivan countries. Kayla will carry these lessons with her as she embarks on a new challenge -- pursuing a master’s degree in college student personnel administration at the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She also has an  assistantship is with the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in their academic support office.

“So much of being at a school like this is learning outside of the classroom and applying all the skills you learn in class to face new challenges.”