Special Needs

Illinois College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Support services can include an analysis of the student's special needs and how the College can support his or her success, referral to a one-on-one tutor or special testing instructions to the student's professors.
Incoming students with documented disabilities should speak to the dean of students. After consultation with the students with special needs, communication of the accommodations will be conveyed to the students' professors.
Learning is meant to be both challenging and fun. We hope that Illinois College always encourages students to be the best that they can be.

Each person has unique strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning various subjects or addressing a particular academic skill. Illinois College has various support networks in place to help students succeed.
The goal of the special needs program is to help students understand what accommodations they need to have, and what they need to do to help them learn and to enjoy that educational process. We want students to be successful and, we know that students want and will work hard to have the same outcome.